Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Getting Ready for Baby JJ

Today, Baby is 36weeks already!

Am i ready or not?

In times like this, i should be, or I must be!

As I was surfing the net, eto na ang mga bagay na madalas kong basahin at search sa web.


And for the FUTURE-MOMS, WANNA-BE-MOMS, here are some TIPS, ADVICE, FACTS, INFORMATION, na dapat nating malaman in getting ready for the GRAND LABOR DAY!

Prelabor is the time before actual labor when the body prepares for childbirth.

Every day this month your body is preparing for labor so that when the moment actually arrives, your body is ready. Prelabor signals that you're in the getting-ready-for-labor stage include:

· Lightening—the baby's head drops down into the pelvis.

· An increase in vaginal discharge and/or brownish or blood-tinged mucus discharge.

· An increase in the number and intensity of Braxton Hicks contractions

· A nesting instinct that makes you start cleaning closets and organizing your kitchen. If you find yourself filled with energy and driven to clean, primal instincts are pushing you to get your home ready for the new family member.

Practice Run

On the TV sitcoms, the pregnant woman always grabs her big belly with a look of wide-eyed surprise and announces, "It's time." Unfortunately, labor doesn't usually come on like that. You might spend a lot of time this month timing contractions, grabbing your suitcase, and then stopping short, realizing the contractions have stopped—false labor!

False labor feels just like the real thing. That's why thousands of pregnant women who rush to the hospital are sent home again to wait just a little longer. This is embarrassing, naturally (especially if you've woken your spouse, your parents, and your physician to announce the news), but it's nothing new. When contractions start you can tell, usually, that real labor has not begun if you answer "yes" to these four questions:

· Do the contractions stay the same in intensity (not getting worse)?

· Do the contractions come in uneven intervals (two minutes apart, then seven minutes apart, then four minutes apart, for example)?

· Is the pain in your lower abdomen rather than in your lower back?

· Do the contractions stop when you move around or change position?

If you're saying "yes," you're not in real labor yet. When real labor contractions begin, you will find that you cannot walk or talk through them. That's a good time to start packing.


Preparing Yourself for Childbirth: Packing Your Hospital Bag

When you are close to delivery you may have some time on your hands. You will be thinking about the big moment, playing it over and over in your mind. If this is your first baby, you're likely to over-prepare, because you really have no idea what to expect. One thing you can do during this time is pack your hospital and baby bags. You know that this is not something you'll want to worry about once labor begins—your organizational skills might very well be a little challenged at that time.

Your Overnight Bag Basics

Although you'll be wearing one of those handy dandy everyone-can-see-your-butt gowns during delivery, you'll want to bring some comfortable sleepwear of your own. If you're planning to breast-feed, you can buy adorable, feminine, comfortable nightgowns designed specifically for that purpose at any store that sells maternity wear. (You'll probably want to bring several, even for a short hospital stay—you'll be surprised how many you'll need as you learn to maneuver around your infant and your lactating breasts.

You may want to pack a robe to throw on when people come to visit you at inopportune times. You'll also want to bring one or more nursing bras with nursing pads. You will not believe how heavy your breasts will feel when your milk comes in. A good nursing bra helps your back and also supposedly helps prevent your breasts from sagging.

For actual delivery you will want some very warm socks. Your feet will get cold and socks will make you feel much more comfortable. You can wear them all through delivery. It may not seem important, but every little bit helps.

You'll want to pack a coming-home outfit, but don't expect to fit into your prepregnancy jeans right after the baby comes. You'll be happier—and much more comfortable—with something you were able to wear in your fourth month of pregnancy. It's also traditional to pack an outfit to bring baby home in, along with some receiving blankets. Your newborn will have his or her first snapshot taken in the hospital nursery and will be haunted by that picture for the rest of his or her life. Choose that first photo outfit wisely.

And don't forget to pack personal items like shampoo, makeup, hairbrush, and toothbrush. It is no big deal if you forget—these items are available at any hospital—but you may be more comfortable using your own things.

Excellent Extras

Your birth coach is someone who trains with you in natural childbirth and will be in the delivery or birthing room while you deliver. You need to choose a person who will ease your experience—the coach is there for your benefit, to help you through contractions and see to your comfort.

When you are in early labor, a massage is particularly welcome. One good, inexpensive massage tool you can make for yourself is to put tennis balls in a sock—your partner or birth coach can use them to rub your lower back. They create just the right amount of soothing friction. There are also wonderful massage tools available at stores like The Body Shop.

You'll want to tuck some lollipops into your bag, too. You will not be permitted to eat or drink during delivery, so your mouth is going to get very dry. Your birth coach will be allowed to give you ice chips (with your nurse's permission) and you will likely be permitted to suck on a lollipop, so you'll want a few on hand. They're simple things, but you'll soon see how important such simple things become.

Other Packing Options

Some people like to bring CDs or cassettes of soft music to play while they're in the delivery room. Only bring something you really like. You want to surround yourself with things that relax you and give you some element of pleasure, in contrast to the pain.

Remember to bring a still or video camera if you want to capture precious first moments for posterity, but I recommend that you decide ahead of time just how personal you want your baby's birth documentary to be. Childbirth does not have a great deal of dignity associated with it, and I, personally, would not want my you-know-what captured on film.

Some people like to bring note cards so that they can send baby announcements or work on thank yous for gifts while in the hospital. But remember that while you're in the hospital, you want to concentrate on resting and spending time with your newborn. You need this time to take care of yourself and to adjust emotionally and physically to your new role. If you enjoy filling out announcements or writing thank you cards, then by all means bring them with you. If they are a pressure or a chore, leave them at home.


This is it.... Pray for us!

They are planning for a BABY SHOWER here! hurry! baka maunahan kayo ni baby, hehehehe...

1 comment:

  1. awww ready ready na nga!! :) have a safe delivery sis!! keep in touch ha... makikibalita na lang ako!
