Sunday, January 17, 2010

A story from the train

The clock's big hand is pointing at 6 and the small hand is pointing at 8, so I stand from the chair where I am sitting, for I know, the train will arrived. As the train approaches, I sit on my favorite place, which luckily remains vacant everytime I ride the train. Put my headset to my ears, and started listening to my mobile music player. When the intro of the song started, suddenly a flashback of yesterday played along with the song.

What is the song? It was the popular song of the late Selena Gomez, Dreaming of You.

It was a fine day for me, 6 of June 2002, Thursday, am still working in subsidiriary company of Colgate-Palmolive as Part-time Auditor, when my closest friend that time, Joseph asked me if I am free that day, for he wanted to invite me to go to his favorite place in Olongapo Subic, the Board Walk. Without any second thought, I answered him positively, and leave the working place earlier than what is my schedule. I just inform my Senior Auditor, and he said ok. I miss those times where my schedule is very flexible, as part of Audit Team, we do not need to work full time, as long as we will complete on the date we have planned.

By 10am, Joseph was waiting already in the Bus Stop, with big smile on his face, you can see the excitement on his eyes. I am excited too, but on the back of my mind, there was fear, not of what Joseph is planning to do to me, because I know I am safe when I am with him, his intention is clean and pure. My fear is of my family, I got used to telling my parents and Ate where I am going, who is with me, but this time, I did not tell them, all they know, is I am in my workplace and seriously working, hehe.

Joseph " Are you ok? "

Joanne "Yes, I am just worried because I have not inform them that I am going with you. But it's alright, I am ok."

Then we got inside the Bus to Olongapo. The 45 minutes drive, is like a whirlwind of emotion for me, I am happy that Joseph is with me, I am fearful that someone who knew me will see me, I am excited of our first date outside our province, I am worried what if I receive a call from my family. It was totally an exciting moment for me.

When we got down the bus, I am still looking left, right, front, back, for the people around us, insane isn't it? I am 21 years old that time, matured enough to decide for myself, had graduated already, with my own career, but still I am not used to this kind of situation. I feel like I am a criminal hiding for somebody that will catch me.

Then, we went inside the Subic Free Zone, my worried mind started to be amazed with the place, such a peaceful place, we walk around 30minutes, it was cloudy that day, the sky was quite dark by 12pm, and the streets are wet because of the hard rain last night. Finally, I can see the beach, I can smell the sea breeze, it's very relaxing, very romantic place.

Joseph hold my hands, and we both walk along the beach. I can feel I am free, I feel we are the only people in the world that time, what I can hear only is his heart beat and mine. Such a perfect place for two people who starting to fall in love with each other.

I wasn't ready yet that time to commit, to give my "yes" to him, but assurance is there, I just told him, I needed more time, I need to think it over, I am not the type of person, who will just play games, trial and error relationship, because for me, I will just commit, If I am 100% ready. Joseph told me he's ready to wait, until the time I am sure of what I am feeling.

We stop walking on the beach, Joseph hold my hands, and started singing, "cause I am dreaming of you tonight, til tomorrow I'll be holding you tight." then I join him singing, "cause there's no wherein the world I'd rather be, than here in my room, dreaming about you and me."

Then a sudden inicident happened.....

On the way back to city proper, we are walking together, and trying to avoid the streets which are quite flooded by water, not just water, but mud. Then suddenly, a fast car came by and guess what happened? We just find ourselves, full of mud all over our body, our clothes are totally black, specially him cause when he see the car fast approaching, he quickly turned around and tried to cover me, but still I am wet and dirty. We both laugh so hard with what happened and how we look like that time.

I cannot go home like this. So, we went to the nearest shopping store and buy new for both of us.

On the way home, I am double worried this time. How can I explain to them, where I have been, why I am wearing different clothes?

I don't know what will I answer, I don't know what I will do.

I arrived home, and run to our room, me and my sisters' room. I heard my father calling me, and I felt like they will all interrogate me. Then, another call from my Ate....

I suddenly look for a paper and ballpen, and started to write to them..... I told them, I am sorry for coming home late, I am sorry for not telling them the truth.... I am sorry If I disappoint them, me and Joseph were already "ON" as, in we are already BOYFRIEND/ GIRLFRIEND.

My mother started to cry, and my two sisters were laughing at my mother, and my father is asking me, to tell Joseph to come to our house to formally be introduced. I know why they reacted that way, aside from being the youngest in the family, they are very protective of me, and they are not used of me to lie to them, because all my crushes, my secrets, they know, Joseph is my FIRST SIN, hehehehe..... Joke lang Mahal.... I love you!

The funny thing here, is that Joseph didn't know that we are "ON" , he didn't know that HE IS MY OFFICIAL BOYFRIEND. So, I call him, and tell him everything that happen, and HE WAS SHOCKED, hahaha! But supported me all the way.

Up to now when were are talking about that June 6, 2002, give us fresh memories of how I ambushed him to be my boyfriend. He is the last person to know that he is my boyfriend, isn't it weird/ funny?

7:00am, Burj Dubai Station, I got off the train, and started to walk along the office still with a smile on my face.

This is my train story, i hope you enjoy it.

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